About Me/Class 11 (2023-2024)


Welcome to this page where I am thrilled to share the incredible journey I embarked on during my time in class 11. If you're eager to dive into a specific section, feel free to use the handy content index provided below.

  • My Academic Journey
  • IIT Delhi and Courses
  • Competitions and Achievements
  • Up Next

My Academic Journey

As I embarked on my journey into the eleventh grade, my father made the wise decision to enroll me in the prestigious Vidyamandi Classes, a renowned coaching institute, to guide me towards my ultimate goal. It became abundantly clear that once a student enters the realm of eleventh grade, opting for the challenging trifecta of Physics, Chemistry, and Maths, the path to success inevitably leads to the hallowed halls of the IITs or other esteemed institutions in India(like NITs, IIITs, VITs etc.).

With determination coursing through my veins, I commenced my studies in a methodical and organized manner. However, as the year progressed, chaos ensued, and I found myself drowning in a sea of unfinished tasks, burdened by an overwhelming backlog. Yet, undeterred by this setback, I resolved to conquer the mountain of knowledge that lay before me, striving to cover as much ground as humanly possible after the grueling annual examinations.

Gone were the days when I could proudly claim the title of the top ranker in my class. Instead, I found myself transformed into an average student (although the exact figure eludes my memory). But let it be known that this mere statistic does not define me. It is merely a temporary setback, a mere blip on the radar of my grand ambitions.

IIT Delhi And Courses

In June 2023, my father enrolled me in a captivating 7-day Robotics Course offered by Rancho Labs at IIT Delhi. It was an awe-inspiring experience as it marked my first encounter with a college campus, and not just any campus, but the very one I aspired to attend in the future. Little did I know that this would be the catalyst for an extraordinary journey.

As fate would have it, later that year in October, I found myself embarking on yet another thrilling adventure. I eagerly enrolled in an entrepreneurship program known as TYE (The Young Entrepreneurship Program), which was hosted by the renowned TIE organization, a company that spans across numerous countries. The anticipation was palpable as I delved into the world of business and innovation.

Immersed in the realm of robotics and entrepreneurship, my passion ignited like never before. The Robotics Course at IIT Delhi not only exposed me to cutting-edge technology but also allowed me to witness the very essence of a college campus that had always been a distant dream. The TYE program, on the other hand, opened my eyes to the limitless possibilities of creating and nurturing a business from scratch.

Competitions And Achievements

Throughout my 11th grade, I have actively participated in a many competitions. My competitive spirit has led me to attempt various topics, and I am proud to share my list of victories & failures below.

From 18 to 23 May 2023, We had an interschool competition for developing a web app on revolutionizing IPL. It was with a team of four in which I had to do the programming, one had to make a 3D model, A business model in 3 days. On 23rd was when we had to submit it but we had lost it.

In Early August I participated in a Group Discussion(More like a Debate) Inter-school Competition at Cambridge Noida. Amongst 17 Schools I ranked Third. Topics of Discussions were 'Data Security and Data Privacy' and 'Future of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality'.

18 August and 22 August 2023, I participated in a Gaming Event for an Inter-School Competition at Cambridge Indirapuram. On 18 August, we had a competition amongst some 13 schools to play and be selected amongst top 7. That round was online and had 'Brawlhala' for that round. Though a new game to me I got selected for the finals(In School) on 22 August. There we had two rounds. First one had Valorant(I was so bad at it since my first time playing it that I was able to just come up in top 5). The final round was of 'Tekken 3' on Play Station 4, though again a new game to me, luckily Ranked First Position.

In the thrilling month of November 2023, I competed in the International Informatics Olympiad held by SilverZone Foundation. To my delight, I emerged victorious with a gleaming silver medal adorning my neck. I proudly secured the 67th international rank and an All India Rank 24. The exhilarating experience of showcasing my skills on a global stage has left an indelible mark on my journey towards excellence.

On 12 October 2023, I along with a friend of mine went for an inter-school Competition Named Digi Tank(Copy of Shark Tank India, just fake one) at Mayoor Noida. We could not make up to get a position in this one.

Up Next

This year lacked the element of fun due to the strict study routine I had to adhere to. However, I still found myself filled with excitement for the upcoming section. Please feel free to explore my 12th-grade section.

Dhruv Garg