
In 2016, my family relocated to Brisbane, Australia. Upon settling in, my brother and I eagerly enrolled in Karate classes to acquire self-defense skills. We commenced our training in February 2016 and dedicated ourselves to mastering the art for nearly a year.

For an entire year, we dedicated ourselves to the art of self-defense, honing our skills and unleashing our inner warriors. However, fate had other plans in store for us. Just as we were getting comfortable with our Blue tip belts, life threw us a curveball, and we found ourselves packing our bags once again, this time destined for the bustling city of Sydney. Sadly, this meant bidding farewell to our beloved Karate classes in June 2017, just shy of achieving the yellow belt.

To provide some context, the Karate belt progression follows a specific sequence: White Belt, Orange, Orange Tip, Blue, Blue Tip, Yellow, Yellow Tip, Green, Green Tip, Brown, Brown Tip, and finally, Black. However, it is worth noting that the Black Belt level comprises ten distinct levels of proficiency. Our dedication and perseverance had propelled us to the Blue Tip level, which is akin to the Yellow Belt.

Although our Karate journey was cut short, the experience instilled in us a deep appreciation for discipline, focus, and physical fitness. While we may not have reached the pinnacle of the Black Belt, the lessons we learned and the skills we acquired will forever remain with us.

Moving forward, we are excited to explore new opportunities and endeavors, building upon the foundation laid during our Karate training. Our time in Brisbane and Sydney has taught us the importance of adaptability and resilience, qualities that will undoubtedly serve us well in all aspects of life.

The memories and lessons we gained will forever remain with us. The excitement and passion we felt as we donned our Karate uniforms, the camaraderie we shared with our fellow students, and the sense of accomplishment as we progressed through the belt system - these are experiences that have shaped us and instilled in us a lifelong.

In conclusion, our Karate journey may have been interrupted, but the impact it had on our personal growth and development is immeasurable. We are grateful for the experiences and lessons learned, and we eagerly anticipate the next chapter in our pursuit of self-improvement and success.